
  • Dorthe Lippert




Are sexual games between children experimental or exploiting? Do you have to worry, when a child shows sexual behaviour or is it quite »normal«. There is a borderland between children's common sexual plays between each other and sexual abuse between them. The references in this article are international studies of partly children's common behaviour in the pre-school age and during the school age and the problematic behaviour between children at the same age. Children's common sexual behaviour can contain masturbation, exposure, examination of own or others
(children's and parents) genitalia with orwithout manual touching. It is also common that children apparently do not show any sexual activity. When sexual abuse take place between children there will often be a difference in power between the children. Violence or threats can appear, and the sexual activity will often be outside common sexual plays between children. Oral. anal and vaginal intercourse is very uncommon in the pre-school age and not common in the 6-12 years-age, either.

Author Biography

Dorthe Lippert

Dorthe Lippert er cand. psych og har i de sidste 4 år været ansat ved Sct. Stefans rådgivningscenter, derer Københavns kommunes børne- og familierådgivning. En stor del af centrets behandlingssager omhandler familier, hvor et eller flere børn har været udsat for seksuelle overgreb.




How to Cite

Lippert, D. (2022). BØRNS SEKSUELLE LEGE. Psyke & Logos, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.7146/pl.v20i2.133594