The varied nomenclature: body-image, body scheme, body-concept, somatopsyche etc. reveals the difficulties in describing and defining the phenomenon. The bodyimage is a synthesis of the tactile, kinestetic, sensory representation of the body, the posture and motion, the skills and strength of the body, and the body-image tends to fluctuate throughout life in an ongoing process of differentiation, integration and regression. It is postulated that a primitive core latently exists with its dispositional, steering power, and that the antecedent levels of symbolization of the body-image
are co-existing at any given time. It has not only a conscious representation, but operates also on an unconscious level. – Body-image is topographically represented in the posterior part of the right parietal lobe and the underlying thalamic substratum, but also other parts of the brain are of importance. Various neuropsychological aspects of body-image are described, and illustrated with examples from as well organic as psychopatological cases. Also psychoanalytic, phenomenological and developmental viewpoints are discussed, and the role of body-image in the development
of identity and sense of self is underlined. Finally methods of measuring bodyimage are reported and exemplified.
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