The artide has two different objectives. The first is to tell about a specific family therapeutic intervention, called regressive care. The second is to perform a theoretic analysis of some general developmental and personality psychological phenomena. We have attempted to comhine these two objectives by dividing the artide in three
main parts. The first part, clinical experience, presents a case story, illustrating the background and the therapeutic process connected to the use of regressive care. In the second part, clinical anal y sis, we proceed to the discourse of applied psychology developed in the area of borderline therapy. We discuss some substantial experiences
from this part of clinical psychology, at the same time, however, we emphasize the decisive !imitation inherent in a non-problematized functional fixation to the therapeutic space itself. In the last part, theoretical analysis, we move from the specific area of clinical psychology tothelevel of general psychology. We attempt in this part to clarify the theoretical problems attached to problematic concepts in the clinical analysis just performed.
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