With reference to Freud and Jung the article focuses on the facilitating aspects of integrating objectified picturization in uncovering psychotherapy. My main hypothesis is that the process of intrapsychic integration is furthered. The article concentrates on the advantages of projecting interior images into exteriorized designs. The objective is to create a working model which is built on a foundation of a unified approach of Freud and Jungs theories and methods, but which is also adjusted to present times.
The article is divided into Jour main parts. The first part focus on psychoanalytic theory and the primary process. With reference to one of art therapy's front figures, Margaret Naumburg, I argue for a pictorial expression of inner experience in a psychoanalytic frame of reference. The second part describes Jung practical use of art expression and his interpretation of symbols. In the third part it is attempted to create a unified theoretical approach for the incorporation of art expression in psychotherapy. In the fourth part a working model is presented and it is illustrated with smal! extracts from practical psychotherapy. I shortly refer to what it means for resistance and transference when the pictorial expression is integrated in psychotherapy.
Finally some problem areas are clarified.
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