Konkrete billeder + evolutionsteori ændrer virkeligheden
Childhood episodes charged with emotion conscious, unconscious or repressed emerge, when a person at a tater time is in the same type of place, in which the episodes once happened. This hypothesis is illustrated by the effect of 3 childhood episodes in the first novel by Christina Hesselholdt. Will a visual experience of pictures e.g., of a certain animal in a movie - only be lied up with thai concrete animal and place, or is it possible to comment on that animal from point of view of evolution in such a manner that an experience of other animals in the real world will later on be seen from this theoretical point of view? The paper shows two ways in which an experiment in education is attempting to
enhance the generalisation of the evolutionary point of view to tater experience of nature: Through (I) the comments of the film The theory of evolution illustrated by animals on Galapagos and (2) a model showing that a theory (of evolution) consists of a structure of concepts which assign meanings to each other.
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