Epigenetic developmental transactions in the early attachment relationship


  • Emilie Sloth Grønbæk
  • Dion Sommer




Epigenetic, Developmental transactions, Attachment


Epigenetic processes are increasingly recognized for their importance in human development, e.g. how early life events can have long-lasting consequences for neurobiological development and behavior. Furthermore, epigenetics are increasingly taken into account in understanding the development of disease and psychopathology, but are also linked to normative development. In this paper the attachment relationship between child and caregiver is ascribed great importance to the development of the child throughout the course of life. Based on excerpts from Thomsen (2018), we will consider the importance of the combination of epigenetics and attachment for the psychological development of the child based on the relatively new paradigm: developmental science. The understanding of psychological development is expanded to include three levels of epigenetic transactions in the early attachment relationship: 1) prenatal - in the fetal state, 2) postnatal - in the attachment relationship, and 3) inter- and transgenerational - across generations.




How to Cite

Sloth Grønbæk, E., & Sommer, D. (2019). Epigenetic developmental transactions in the early attachment relationship. Psyke & Logos, 40(2), 189–207. https://doi.org/10.7146/pl.v40i2.117818