Reading and writing processing in dyslexia
læsning, dysleksi, læseprocessering, skriveprocesseringAbstract
This paper offers a broad theoretical overview of dyslexia at the behavioural, cognitive, biological and environmental levels from a multifactorial perspective. It also discusses how reading and writing processes can be seen as incorporating a number of cognitive sub-processes, and how this understanding can contribute to explaining why children and adults with dyslexia show different literacy profiles. The paper also underlines the importance of always considering developmental levels, both when assessing theory, and in a more practical and clinical setting of assessment and intervention. Furthermore, it discusses the so-called dyslexia paradox, namely that many children with dyslexia today are identified so late that the optimal interval for intervention has already passed, even though instruments for early risk assessment were available. The paper concludes by underlining the need for an assessment of the risk of dyslexia at preschool, but also emphasising that this can and must be done in a way that is not perceived as a burden by the children.
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