Lad os udvikle en psykologisk udviklingsvidenskab


  • Jytte Bang



behavior setting teori, Development, developmental science, ecological psychology, Glen Elder Jr., Roger G. Barker, neoliberalism, new vulnerability, life-span theory, life-world


There is a need for psychology to become a developmental science. Under
the conditions of neo-liberal policy, psychology is under pressure. The
effect-paradigm easily leads to individualism and a focus on diagnoses rather
than on a wholeness-oriented approach. For illustration, the paper takes its
departure from the described poor mental well-being among many children
and young people. This raises the question, which theoretical paths to follow
for a future developmental science? Two critical approaches to (developmental)
psychology are discussed, which is followed by the argument that
the tradition of ecological psychology (drawing on the ideas of Glen Elder
Jr. and Roger G. Barker) is a meaningful source of inspiration for psychology
as a developmental science.


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How to Cite

Bang, J. (2023). Lad os udvikle en psykologisk udviklingsvidenskab. Psyke & Logos, 43(2).