Kreative processer i "Art-based Research"


  • Rikke Gürgens Gjærum Temaredaktør
  • Gro Ramsdal Forfatter



etnoteater, art-based research, kreative processer, applied theatre, anvendt teater


Creative Processes in "Art-Based Research"

This article describes an ethno-theatre production called Involuntary outsiders. This theatre production was based on ten research interviews with Norwegian drop outs from high school. Through the article the researchers will explore creative processes generated by the theatre production. They demonstrate how research and theatre become involved in a dialogue with each other. However they also contribute critical reflection concerning the dilemma of the creative researcher standing between the universe of research and the universe of art. The project is analyzed through performance etnography, representation critic, social psychology, identity theory and applied theatre.


Rikke Gürgens Gjærum, Temaredaktør

Førsteamanuensis i anvendt teater ved Harstad University College, Norge. Post.doc. og doktorgrad i drama/teater fra NTNU under Professor Bjørn Rasmussen. Arbeider nå som visiting academic under Professor Helen Nicholson ved University of London. Forskningsinteresser er applied theatre, disability theatre, diskursanalyse, forskningsmetodologi og forumteater.

Gro Ramsdal, Forfatter

Førstelektor i psykologi ved Harstad University College, Norge. Førstekompetent, Cand.psychol. og psykologspesialist med ti år i terapierfaring fra psykiatrisk senter. Ansvar for psykologifaget ved vernepleierstudiet i Harstad de siste 16 årene. Forskningsinteresser er selvfølelse, narsissisme, forumteater som pedagogisk virkemiddel i kommunikasjonsundervisning.





Gjærum, R. G., & Ramsdal, G. (2011). Kreative processer i "Art-based Research". Peripeti, 8(16), 21–31.