Work Bitch – a contemporary Lehrstück or how to get from I to we*


  • Tania Ørum



The play Work Bitch by Ida Marie Hede staged by Niels Erling at the Sort/Hvid Theatre in Copen­hagen in January-February 2022 can be seen as a contemporary Lehrstück or learning play, a genre invented by Bertolt Brecht in the 1920s and 1930s. Through a series of exemplary situations, the play discusses the possibilities of liberation in today’s capitalist society.


Tania Ørum

Tania Ørum. Associate professor emerita, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen. Main editor of the four volumes of The Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries in the series of Avant-Garde Critical Studies at Rodopi/Brill (Amsterdam & New York 2012-2022). Recent publications include “American Art Viewed from Denmark: From Skepticism to Acceptance” (with Vibeke Petersen Gether) in Claudia Hopkins and Iain Boyd White (eds.), Hot Art, Cold War – Western and Northern European Writing on American Art 1945-1990. New York and London: Routledge 2021.
“Kirsten Justesen: The Body as a Feminist and Artistic Tool” in Jen Kennedy, Trista E. Mallory and Angelique Szymanek (eds.) Transnational Perspectives on Feminism and Art 1960-1985. New York and London: Routledge 2021.


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Ørum, T. (2023). Work Bitch – a contemporary Lehrstück or how to get from I to we*. Peripeti, 20(38), 166–175.