New World remakes, Cold-War politics, and the legacy of the Bauhaus


  • Isabel Wünsche



This essay explores the ways in which Cold War cultural politics have shaped the legacy, reception, and discourse on the historic Bauhaus art school, focusing on American-German relations after 1945 and the role played by former Bauhäuslers, who had emigrated to the United States in the 1930s, in recording and then reinstating the historical narrative of this art school. A closer look at the narratives and omissions concerning the Bauhaus’ ideas, ideals, and practices will help to shed more light onto the question, why, up to this day, the focus remains on the Bauhaus under Walter Gropius between 1919 and 1928, neglecting the later Dessau years under Hannes Meyer and Mies van de Rohe.


Isabel Wünsche

Isabel Wünsche is Professor of Art and Art History at Jacobs University Bremen. Her research interests include 19th and 20th century art and art theory, in particular European modernism and the avant-garde movements and their reception beyond Europe, as well as art and science interrelations, abstract art, synesthesia, and new forms of visualization. She is the author of several important books and articles in avant-garde and modernism studies. She recently co-published with Miriam Leimer 100 Years On: Revisiting the First Russian Art Exhibition of 1922 (Cologne, Vienna: Böhlau 2022), recipient of the 2022 publication prize of the Society of Historians of Eastern European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture (SHERA).





Wünsche, I. (2023). New World remakes, Cold-War politics, and the legacy of the Bauhaus. Peripeti, 20(38), 134–145.