Staying with the trouble

Collective forms and methods in performing arts in the 1920s and today


  • Konstanze Schmitt



Who owns Lauratibor? is the result of a collaboration between several long-standing protest movements in Reichenberger Kiez. The collectively driven opera project is a different form of activism; an opera created in self-defence, sprung from the ongoing struggle against evictions of residents and workers of all guilds in the surrounding neighbourhood of Reichenbergerstraße in Berlin-Kreuzberg. 


Konstanze Schmitt

Konstanze Schmitt is a visual artist and theatre director based in Berlin. She is part of the Lauratibor Collective and has her studio at Lausitzer 10. Schmitt currently works on constructivist theatre maker Asja Lacis. For more information, see


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WEM GEHÖRT LAURATIBOR? Eine kollektive Protest-Oper, Kollektiv Lauratibor Berlin 2021-2022. For more information, see

Filmstill Kuhle Wampe (screenshot)





Schmitt, K. (2023). Staying with the trouble: Collective forms and methods in performing arts in the 1920s and today. Peripeti, 20(38), 76–87.