Introduction: A historical analogy and its derived effects


  • Solveig Daugaard
  • Laura Luise Schultz
  • Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt



Solveig Daugaard

Solveig Daugaard’s PhD in Literature, Media History and Information Cultures is from Linköping University. Her research field is modernist and contemporary American poetry, and contemporary Scandinavian literature informed by affect and media theory and infrastructural studies. Her research and literary criticism have appeared in journals and papers in Denmark, Sweden and abroad. She is currently a postdoc at the research center Art as Forum, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen.

Laura Luise Schultz

Laura Luise Schultz is associate professor in Theatre and Performance Studies, University of Copenhagen. Her research interests include contemporary, post-dramatic and avant-garde theatre, and she is the chair of the research group The 1930s Today, which is a part of the research cluster Global Entanglements at the Dept. of Arts and Cultural Studies, UCPH. She co-edited and contributed substantially to A Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries since 1975 Leiden: Brill | Rodopi 2022.

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt

Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt is assistant professor and deputy director of the New Carlsberg Foundation research centre Art as Forum at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen. She has published articles in, among others, Journal of Nordic Theatre Studies, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, ephemera – theory and politics in organization and The Drama Review, and contributed to the international field of performance art by curating the festival WORKS AT WORK and instituting CURRICULUM, a public school of performance art in Copenhagen.


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Media player in the exhibition En blank og vårfrisk dag (A shiny vernal day)





Daugaard, S., Schultz, L. L., & Ullerup Schmidt, C. (2023). Introduction: A historical analogy and its derived effects. Peripeti, 20(38), 10–23.