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Listening to the Silences in Selected Early Prose and Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter


  • Ian Butcher



Ian Butcher

Ian Butcher is English-Belgian and lives with his Danish wife, Marianne, in both Belgium and Denmark. He attended the University of Kent for his BA (Hons) in English and French, and the University of York for his Post Graduate Certificate in Education. He gained a Master of Arts with Distinction in English Literature from the Open University. He was lecteur d’anglais at the Université de Nice, and taught in Switzerland, France, UK and Belgium before taking up a career in management consulting. He has published a number of general interest articles and co-authored two English teaching books.


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Butcher , I. (2022). Listening to the Silences in Selected Early Prose and Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter. Peripeti, 18(34).


