Exhibiting the Present, Staging Contemporaneity
Museum of the Future and Theatre as a Site of Curatorial Research
Artiklen undersøger det kuratoriske som epistemologisk greb og dets relevans i dramaturgisk praksis. Med afsæt i et planlagt, tværdisciplinært samarbejde mellem Kunsthal Aarhus og Sort/Hvid og en situering af forfatterens funktion i dette indkredses og destabiliseres ontologiske skel mellem teater og billedkunst med fokus på tidslighed og vidensproduktion.
Adorno, Theodor W., 2006 [1955]. “Valéry Proust Museum.” In: Gert Balling, Henrik Reeh, Mette Sandbye, Martin Zerlang and Mikkel Bogh (eds.). Den moderne kulturs historie. Copenhagen: Gads Forlag.
Agamben, Giorgio, 2006 [1973]. Infancy and History: On the Destruction of Experience. London and New York: Verso Books.
Berardi, Franco “Bifo”, 2011. After the Future. Edinburgh, Oakland, Baltimore: AK Press.
Bishop, Claire, 2012. Artificial Hells: Participatory Art and the Politics of Spectatorship. London and New York: Verso Books.
Bishop, Claire. (2018). “Black Box, White Cube, Gray Zone: Dance Exhibitions and Audience Attention.” TDR: The Drama Review, Vol. 62, Number 2, Summer 2018, pp. 22-42.
Bishop, Claire, 2014 [2013]. Radical Museology or: What’s ‘contemporary’ in museums of contemporary art? London: Koenig Books.
Bismark, Beatrice von. (2010). “Relations in Motion. The curatorial condition in the visual arts – and its possibilities for the neighbouring disciplines” Frakcija. No. 55, 2010, pp. 50-57.
Cox, Geoff and Lund, Jacob, 2016. The Contemporary Condition: Introductory Thoughts on Contemporaneity and Contemporary Art. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
Crone, Bridget, 2018. “Curating, Dramatization and the Diagram: Notes towards a Sensible Stage.” In: Jean-Paul Martinon and Irit Rogoff (eds.). The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 207-213.
Gade, Solveig. (2018). “Inbetween Figure Working in a Precarious Field: Re-engaging with the Notions of the Dramaturg.” Nordic Theatre Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2, 2018, pp. 61-77.
Groys, Boris. (2020). “Museum as a Cradle of Revolution.” e-flux journal, Journal #106. (https://www.e-flux.com/journal/106/314487/the-museum-as-a-cradle-of-revolution/.) Accessed 03-06-2021.
Hoffmann, Jens, 2015. Theater of Exhibitions. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
Lind, Maria, 2012. “Performing the Curatorial: An Introduction.” In: Maria Lind (ed.): Performing the Curatorial. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
Lund, Jacob, 2019. Anachrony, Contemporaneity, and Historical Imagination. Cox and Lund (eds.). The Contemporary Condition Series. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
Malzacher, Florian, 2014. “Empty Stages, Crowded Flats. Performative curating in the performing arts.” In: Sidsel Graffer and Ådne Sekkelsten. Scenekunsten og de unge [Performing Arts and The Young]. Oslo: Vidarforlaget AS, pp. 116-127.
Martinon, Jean-Paul and Rogoff, Irit, 2015. “Preface.” In: Jean-Paul Martinon and Irit Rogoff (eds.). The Curatorial: A Philosophy of Curating. London, New Delhi, New York, Sydney: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. iix-xi.
Phelan, Peggy, 1993. “The ontology of performance.” In: Unmarked. The Politics of Performance. London and New York: Taylor & Francis, pp. 146-166.
Ross, Christine, 2014 [2012]. The Past is the Present; It’s the Future Too. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
Schneider, Rebecca, 2011. Performing Remains. Art and War in Times of Theatrical Reenactment. London and New York: Routledge.
Sheikh, Simon, 2019. “Curating and research – An uneasy alliance.” In: Malene Vest Hansen, Anne Folke Henningsen and Anne Gregersen (eds.). Curatorial Challenges – Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Contemporary Curating. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 97-107.
Sheikh, Simon, 2015. “Towards the Exhibition as Research.” In: Paul O’Neill and Mick Wilson (eds.). Curating Research. London: Open Editions & Amsterdam: de Appel, pp. 32-46.
Trencsényi, Katalin, 2015. “Methods: Curating.” In: Katalin Trencsényi. Dramaturgy in the Making: A User’s Guide for Theatre Practictioners. New York and London: Bloomsbury Menthuen Drama, pp. 31-50.
Voorhies, Jamens, 2017. Beyond Objecthood. On the Exhibition as a Critical Form Since 1968. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Williams, Evan Calder. (2015). “Volcano, Waiting.” WdW Review, October 2015. (https://www.fkawdw.nl/en/review/sediments/volcano_waiting). Accessed 24-07-2021.

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