Live Experiences in the Theater Gardens of Contemporary Art
Affective Curating and Exhibition Experiments with Theatricality
Theatre has been a model for curatorial experiments throughout the history of experimental exhibitions. This article will look into contemporary experiments with curating exhibition formats that come alive as virtual, ‘lucid dreams’ through the uses of theatrical tropes such as Narrator, Stage, Backdrop – and through the integration of affect, living matter, organic form and worldlike backdrops into the formats, as in the historic Theater Gardens.
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Dercon, Chris, Schöttle, Rüdiger, Graham; Dan, Heiss, Alana 1990 Theatergarden Bestiarium: The Garden as Theater as Museum. Institute of Contemporary Art PS1 Museum, The MIT Press.
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Hantlemann, Dorthea: ‘Art Institutions as Ritual Spaces. A genealogy of Gatherings’´. In Theater, Garden, Bestiary A Materialist History of Exhibitions. Sternberg press and ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne.
Hoffmann, Jens, 2015. Theater of Exhibitions. Berlin, Sternberg Press.
Hooper, Claire and Richards, Paul, 2019. Volcano Extravaganza 2019 – Death, teaser. Fiorucci Art Trust Available at:
Kouligas, Bill, 2019. ‘Anne Imhof’, Kaleidoscope Magazine no 35, 2019 p. 110-129
Loiseau, Benoit: Inside the experimental art gathering on a volcanic island ID Aug 1 2019. Available at
Massumi, Brian, 1987: ‘Forword’, Thousand Plateaus Capitalism and Schizophrenia. University of Minnesota press
Massumi, Brian, 2002: ‘Parables for the Virtual – Movement, Affect, Sensation’. Duke University Press
Norman, Vincent, Garcia, Tristan, Rebentisch, Juliane in Norman, Vincent and Garcia, Tristan (ed.) 2019 ‘Theatricality, Autonomy, Negativity´. In Theater, Garden, Bestiary A Materialist History of Exhibitions. Sternberg press and ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne.
O’Doherty, Brian, 1976. Inside the White Cube. San Francisco: Lapis Press.
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Ramos, Filippa, 2018. ‘Theater, Garden, Bestiary’. Mousse Magazine No 55, 2016 p. 160-171
Rebentisch, Juliane, 2012. The Aesthetics of Installation Art. Berlin, Sternberg Press.
Rebentisch, Juliane, 2017. ‘Dark Play’ in Pfeffer, Susanne (ed.) Anne Imhof. Faust, Köening Books.
Somers, Thierry ‘Jens Hoffmann, part 2’ 200% Magazine Available at
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