Collective Performative Reading


  • For More Than One Voice m/ Peripeti Redaktion



Kollektiv, For More Than One Voice


For More Than One Voice (2016–) is a collective reading that investigates how we might speak and listen in more than one voice by means of resonance, polyphony, dissonance, ambiguity, plurality, and embrace. The collective reading is centred around the politics and poetics of the multiplicity of voices in performance and text, where the complexities of voice as representation are investigated.


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Cavarero, A., 2003. A più voci: Per una filosofia dell’espressione vocale. Milano: Feltrinelli Editore.
Cavarero, A., 2005. For more than one voice: Toward a Philosophy of Vocal Expression. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
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m/ Peripeti Redaktion, F. M. T. O. V. (2020). Collective Performative Reading. Peripeti, 17(31), 141–156.



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