Karakterens opløsning i diskursen: fra Gertrude Stein til René Pollesch


  • Laura Luise Schultz




Gertrude Stein, landskabsteater, Andrzej Wirth , René Pollesch, character in postdramatic theatre


In her reflections on the status of the subject in the postdramatic theatre, Laura Luise Schultz aims to show how the experimental writing of Gertrude Stein can be traced to the practice of contemporary playwrights such as René Pollesch.


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—(1993): A Stein Reader ed. by Ulla Dydo, Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
Wilson, Robert (1996): »Director’s Notes« in Houston Grand Opera Stagebill, Winter 1996.
Wirth, Andrzej (1982a): »Die Auflösung der dramatischen Figur oder »I am I because my little dog knows me«. Von Gertrude Stein zu Richard Foreman und Robert Wilson« in Theater Heute, Heft 10 Oktober 1982: 38-39.
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Schultz, L. L. (2021). Karakterens opløsning i diskursen: fra Gertrude Stein til René Pollesch. Peripeti, 4(8), 13–28. https://doi.org/10.7146/peri.v4i8.110154



Det postdramatiske