* ’Flygtninge’ på scenen - dilemmaer og potentialer


  • Sabrina Vitting-Seerup




cultural representation, refugees, participation, inclusion, postmigration, reparative reading, kulturel repræsentation, flytninge, deltagelse, inklusion, reparativ læsning


Through a reparative reading and by ‘staying with the trouble’, this article looks into four Danish performances from 2016-2017 that have worked with inclusion of people with refugee-experience. The text thereby identifies some of the dilemmas, questions and hopes that the different approaches to inclusion bring about.


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Vitting-Seerup, S. (2018). * ’Flygtninge’ på scenen - dilemmaer og potentialer. Peripeti, 15(29/30), 127–137. https://doi.org/10.7146/peri.v15i29/30.109637