What is at stake in ‘the Practice as Research initiative’?


  • Robin Nelson




This article begins with a brief history of the emergence of Practice as Research (PaR) noting diferent terminology in diferent contexts and marking misapprehensions and misunderstanding arising from a range of standpoints amongst the individuals and institutions involved. It proceeds to lay out adjustments required in making the shift from “practitioner” to “practitioner-researcher” in the context of contemporary HEIs. Sketching some key changes over the past century which have led to a strong advocacy of embodied cognition in recent years, the article sets out a multi-mode approach in an epistemological model for PaR. he model embraces varying modes of knowing: know what; know how; know that. It is the convergence of evidence adduced by diferent modes of research which contributes to the rigour of the overall approach.



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Nelson, R. (2021). What is at stake in ‘the Practice as Research initiative’?. Peripeti, 10(19), 20–33. https://doi.org/10.7146/peri.v10i19.109034