Teatralitet og performativitet

to sider af samme sag – næsten?


  • Torunn Kjølner




teatralitet performativitet teater og performans i dagligdagen perception amerikanske vs europæisk teater- og performancestudier


In her introduction to theatricality and performativity, Torunn Kjølner casts light on a similarity in the development of both concepts. Initially, she argues, both concepts were connected to a relatively limited field of knowledge (Theatre Arts), but has presently become central terms in the vocabulary of a large variety of scientific disciplines. Consequently, both »theatrical« and »performative« are widely used both in everyday language, in different art cultures, and in the complex theoretical constructions of disciplines such as sociology and aesthetics.


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Theater der Zeit TheorieTheaterPraxis Rescherchen 17
Theater der Zeit Kunst der Aufführung Aufführung der Kunst Rescherchen 18





Kjølner, T. (2007). Teatralitet og performativitet: to sider af samme sag – næsten?. Peripeti, 4(7), 7–36. https://doi.org/10.7146/peri.v4i7.107627


