Artiklen beskriver et forskningsprojekt som undersøgte indvirkningen på gymnasieelever afet besøgsdesign for et museumsbesøg bestående af arbejdsark med autentiske spørgsmål i kombinationmed en dialogisk tilgang fra en museumsformidler. Målet med designet var at fremme ægte engageretdialog. 65 elevers interaktion med besøgsdesignet blev audio-optaget og undersøgt. Resultaterneviste at autentiske spørgsmål havde et stort potentiale, især de spørgsmål der fremmede undren ognysgerrighed, havde høje kognitive niveauer samt var orienterede mod elevernes forhåndsinteresser.Desuden viste undersøgelsen at formidlerens tilgang var mest succesfuld i forhold til at fremme ægteengageret dialog når den var udtalt dialogisk og elevcentreret. The article describes a research project that investigated the impact on uppersecondary students of a visit design for a museum visit, consisting of worksheetswith authentic questions in combination with a dialogical approach by a museumeducator. The goal of the design was to foster dialogue and substantial engagement.65 students’ interaction with the design was audio-recorded and investigated.Results showed that authentic questions had great potential; especiallythe questions that stimulated wonder, curiosity, and had high cognitive levels,and centred on the students’ prior interests. The investigation also showed thatthe museum educators’ approach was most successful in fostering dialogue andsubstantial engagement when being pronouncedly dialogical and student centred.