Virtual neutron scattering experiments - Training and preparing students for large-scale facility experiments


  • Julie Hougaard Overgaard Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
  • Jesper Bruun IND
  • Michael May Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark
  • Linda Udby Niels Bohr Insitute, University of Copenhagen



e-learning, virtual experiments, hands-on, learning design


Dansk Vi beskriver, hvordan virtuelle eksperimenter kan udnyttes i et læringsdesign ved at forberede de studerende til hands-on-eksperimenter ved storskalafaciliteter. Vi illustrerer designet ved at vise, hvordan virtuelle eksperimenter bruges på Niels Bohr Institutets kandidatkursus om neutronspredning. I den sidste uge af kurset, rejser studerende til et storskala neutronspredningsfacilitet for at udføre neutronspredningseksperimenter. Vi bruger studerendes udsagn om deres oplevelser til at argumentere for, at arbejdet med virtuelle experimenter forbereder de studerende til at engagere sig mere frugtbart med eksperimenter ved at lade dem fokusere på fysikken og relevante data i stedet for instrumenternes funktion. Vi hævder, at det er, fordi de kan overføre deres erfaringer med virtuelle eksperimenter til rigtige eksperimenter. Vi finder dog, at læring stadig er situeret i den forstand, at kun kendskab til bestemte eksperimenter overføres. Vi afslutter med at diskutere de muligheder, som virtuelle eksperimenter giver. English We describe how virtual experiments can be utilized in a learning design that prepares students for hands-on experiments at large-scale facilities. We illustrate the design by showing how virtual experiments are used at the Niels Bohr Institute in a master level course on neutron scattering. In the last week of the course, students travel to a large-scale neutron scattering facility to perform real neutron scattering experiments. Through student interviews and survey answers, we argue, that the virtual training prepares the students to engage more fruitfully with experiments by letting them focus on physics and data rather than the overwhelming instrumentation. We argue that this is because they can transfer their virtual experimental experience to the real-life situation. However, we also find that learning is still situated in the sense that only knowledge of particular experiments is transferred. We proceed to discuss the affordances of virtual experiments.


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Julie Hougaard Overgaard, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen

PhD student

Jesper Bruun, IND

Assistant Professor

Michael May, Department of Design and Communication, University of Southern Denmark

Associate professor

Linda Udby, Niels Bohr Insitute, University of Copenhagen

Associate professor


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Schematic of experimental set-up as students work with it





Hougaard Overgaard, J., Bruun, J., May, M., & Udby, L. (2016). Virtual neutron scattering experiments - Training and preparing students for large-scale facility experiments. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 9(16).