Apps i anatomiundervisningen - perspektiver for et nyt learning design
universitetspædagogik, learning design, informationsteknologiAbstract
Dansk Formålet med denne artikel var at diskutere, hvordan Learning Design kan anvendes ved implementering af mobile platforme i undervisningen på universitetsniveau. Med udgangspunkt i teoretiske modeller og undervisernes overvejelser diskuteres brug af Learning Design og implementering informationsteknologi med afsæt i anvendelse af applikationer til tablets og smartphones i anatomiundervisningen på Aarhus Universitet. Sekundært præsenterer artiklen resultater fra et pilotprojekt i anatomiundervisningen på medicinstudiet, Aarhus Universitet, der viser, at de studerende er positivt indstillede over for informationsteknologi i undervisningen, at de er teknologiparate, og at anatomiapplikationerne forbedrer de studerendes oplevelse af tredimensional forståelse. Ved anvendelse af et veltilrettelagt Learning Design kan undervisningssessioner og kurser designes til i højere grad at anvende informations- og uddannelsesteknologi i integrerede læringsforløb. English The purpose of the this study was to discuss how Learning Design can be used when implementing mobile learning devices in education at universities. Based on theoretical models and the teachers’ thoughts and reflections, the use of Learning Design and implementation of information technology is discussed on the basis of using tablets and smartphones with anatomy specific applications in anatomy courses at the School of medicine, Aarhus University, Denmark. Secondarily, the results from a pilot project including tablets in anatomy teaching are presented, showing that the students have a positive attitude towards information technology in education, that they are used to using information technology in education, and that anatomy applications improve the students’ understanding of anatomy in three dimensions. By application of a well-designed Learning Design, teaching sessions can implement information- and educational technology in a combination of in-class and out-of-class.Downloads
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