Når studerende tør, gør og tænker professionelt med digitale teknologier

Empirisk studie af professionsstuderendes måde at skabe med digital teknologi på studiet og i praktikken


  • Maria Høegh Beierholm VIA University college, Læreruddannelsen i Aarhus
  • Mette Engberg-Sønderskov Pædagoguddannelsen, VIA University College




digitalt mod, teknologiforståelse, leg, digital foretagsomhed, digital forestillingskraft


In this article, we present our study of University College students' digital entrepreneurship in relation to acting on challenges and opportunities in their professional practice using digital technology. 

We introduce a best-practice study where we have used Research through Design (Nelson & Stolterman, 2012, Hjorth, 2019) to conduct a reflexive thematic analysis that identifies strong concepts (Höök & Löwgren, 2012) in the empirical material. These strong concepts show us important markers in the learning process of the students who have developed their practice with digital technology. 

Part of our empirical foundation is conveyed as small, animated videos, where the main characters represent three students of different professions. The students have all experienced disharmonies (Spinoza, 1999) in their internship period, which they have solved using digital technology. The multimodal stories are thus a way to show the way to the strong concepts that we have arrived at in our study. 

The analysis reveals four strong concepts that characterize students' learning process towards becoming digitally competent in their profession: 1) user experience, 2) Play 3) digital courage, 4) digital imagination and 5) nexus. 


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How to Cite

Beierholm, M. H., & Engberg-Sønderskov , M. (2023). Når studerende tør, gør og tænker professionelt med digitale teknologier : Empirisk studie af professionsstuderendes måde at skabe med digital teknologi på studiet og i praktikken . Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(28). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v16i28.136353



LOM28: Technology comprehension in Education