Hybrid technology comprehension
Technology comprehension, STS, Hybridity, LatourAbstract
The purpose of this article is to investigate both political and theoretical potentials for developing technology comprehension (TC or ‘teknologiforståelse’ in Danish) as a hybrid subject area and professional field. A hybrid subject area is one that is not based on a dichotomy between humans and technologies, subjects and objects, but rather recognizes and incorporates the interrelated or hybrid nature of both humans and non-humans. The article opens with a summary of research on hybridity from the field of Science and Technology studies (STS) with a special focus on Bruno Latours work on the modern constitution, processes of purification and hybridization. Then follows an analysis of political documents which may prove constitutive for the future direction of TC if implemented in the public school system. And finally, the article discuss how the STS-concepts of network, translation, matters of concern and performativity may inform further development of the competence areas of TC in a more hybrid direction.
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