Teknologiforståelse som undervisningsfag på læreruddannelsen

Studerendes værdisætning af programmering som et badge of membership


  • thilde emilie møller Københavns Professionshøjskole
  • Lars Bo Andersen
  • Mads Middelboe Rehder
  • Marie Falkesgaard Slot




Materialitet, computationel tankegang, Læreruddannelse, Lærerstuderende, Læreprocesser


This article contributes with new knowledge about student teachers' technology-related learning processes in the subject technology comprehension in teacher training. Through special attention to materialities, computational thinking and technological ability and skills, three cases from the first semester of teaching are examined. Case 1 illustrates a group of students with a great commitment to a design process with many materialities, where computational technologies lie outside their project. Case 2 demonstrates how different materialities help shape the students' learning process, just as some technologies and skills achieves a special status. Case 3 shows how a group of students work both with and against digital technologies in a complicated exploration of material forms of expression and participation. Overall, the article provides new knowledge about an emerging academic culture characterized by both risk-taking and curiosity, but also affected by the social valuation of technologies and skills which creates specific opportunities for participation.


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How to Cite

møller, thilde emilie, Andersen , L. B., Rehder , M. M., & Slot , M. F. (2023). Teknologiforståelse som undervisningsfag på læreruddannelsen: Studerendes værdisætning af programmering som et badge of membership. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(28). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v16i28.136116



LOM28: Technology comprehension in Education