Fra teknologianvendelse til teknologiforståelse via Lærerens Grundfaglighed
Teknologiforståelse, kompetenceudvikling, læreruddannelse, teknologianvendelseAbstract
This article presents findings from a study of competency development in technology comprehesion for teachers of pedagogical subjects in teacher training. The article analyzes three cases that demonstrate how the participating teachers’ experiences with technology usage can be frustrating and generate barriers but also be exciting and give opportunities for applying their own existing competences. The article shows how the application of existing competences can provide leverage for the development of an initial technology comprehension, in which the teachers, supported by their own competences, are able to employ technology comprehension in their discussions. The article suggests a model for recognizing how this interplay of experiences and competences, spurred by technology usage, enables the development of technology comprehension among the teachers. As such, the article grants an insight into how technology comprehension can benefit from technology usage and existing competences of the teachers.
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