Teknologiforstyrrelser i læreruddannelsens danskfag

- på vej med danskfaglige teknologiforståelser i læreruddannelse





This article contributes to the research within technological literacy the academic subject of Danish at Teacher Education. The article gives new perspectives on how the lecturers' development of technological and materiality literacy contributes to evolving the academic subject of Danish at Teacher Education. Based on the empiric data, we formulate and analyse three cases in which we follow lecturers of Danish as they develop competencies to combine the subjects of Technology and Danish in learning laboratories. The study is based on empirical data from the project ‘Competence Development for Technological Literacy at Teacher Education (2019-2022)’. The background theory includes theory of pedagogy of the academic subjects seen as both metatheory and metacommunication about how an academic subject may be defined as a changing social construction with a stabilizing core. The background theories also include the theoretical concepts of disturbance and experience. The study of ‘disturbed practices’ shows indications of new forms of technological literacy within the academic subject of Danish that arise in relation to the laboratory work. The laboratory work includes analogue as well as digital technologies. The technologies are connected to the lecturers' experiences with materiality, technologies and the subject of Danish, thus, they form a new aspect of the subject. However, the study also shows that the lecturers are critical to if the ‘disruptions’ are entirely productive and if they contribute to a formative extension of the subject of Danish I Teacher Education. 


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How to Cite

Falkesgaard Slot, M., Rasmussen, H. F., & Kjærgaard, T. (2023). Teknologiforstyrrelser i læreruddannelsens danskfag : - på vej med danskfaglige teknologiforståelser i læreruddannelse . Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(28). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v16i28.136093



LOM28: Technology comprehension in Education