Socio-material Entanglements with play-qualities in Playlab


  • Vibeke Schrøder Københavns Professionshøjskole
  • Helle Hovgaard Jørgensen Pædagoguddannelsen, UC Lillebælt
  • Helle Marie Skovbjerg



In 2019, playlabs have been established at teacher education and social education in Denmark, but few studies have examined how space and materials contribute to create playful learning in higher education. This article therefore explores the practice of space, materials and playful learning in playlab. We use a post-human socio-material perspective and use the notions of throwntogetherness, entanglement and scripting/descripting of space, materials and people. Through qualitative methods, design experiments and situational analysis we demonstrate how different materials emerge as respectively visible, invisible and changeable. Likewise, playfulness may occur as visible and invisible. When the practice of playful learning is investigated through these perspectives, we elucidate how learning with play qualities emerge and is practiced in a playlab that inevitably is scripted and descripted in a throwntogetherness where space, materials and playful learning are entangled and create an active learning space.


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How to Cite

Schrøder, V., Jørgensen, H. H., & Skovbjerg, H. M. (2022). Socio-material Entanglements with play-qualities in Playlab. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 15(26).



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