Empati med nyhedsredaktøren

En spilbaseret tilgang til undervisning i journalistiske nyhedsværdier





spilbaseret læring, nyhedsværdier, aktionsforskning, journalistik


There is often a mismatch between our perception of the role of journalism in society characterized by idealistic notions and the actual journalism that we encounter in news outlets. The article presents results from an experiment in teaching, where this mismatch was addressed via a digital game in a course for undergraduates. It is a case of action research that theoretically adopts a game-based learning approach. Methodologically the article is based on a mixed-method research design with quantitative data from two surveys and qualitative observations from the teaching situation itself. The analysis shows that most students consider the game a constructive learning activity that has contributed to their understanding of commercial and practice aspects of journalism. Further, the game elicits transformational play, where students through role-taking and shift in perspective, can achieve a more empathetic understanding of the role as news editor. The article argues for the value in designing curricular learning games and ends by bringing forth the main insights from the experiment for other teachers interested in experimenting with designing game-based learning.


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How to Cite

Mortensen, C. H. (2022). Empati med nyhedsredaktøren: En spilbaseret tilgang til undervisning i journalistiske nyhedsværdier. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 15(26). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v15i26.131971



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