Det 'hybride Zoom'
Feedback-forberedelse som motiverende ”driver” mellem det synkrone og asynkrone læringsrum
This paper sheds light on the role of feedback in online courses in higher educational settings. Focus is on the feedback recipient’s role and the input he/she brings in into the encounter with the feedback giver such as notes, comments and sharable online documents. It is argued that the asynchronous preparation of feedback (“behind Zoom”) and synchronous feedback activities in online environments (“Zoom”) should be treated as one coherent didactical whole where its components dynamically interact with each other. A “feedback receiver-friendly” research design is proposed, based on concepts such as feedback point, feedback-aligned product and different types of synchronous and asynchronous feedback enabled on digital learning platforms. The applicability of these concepts is discussed in a qualitative case study executed in the spring term 2021 among 42 participants in an elective undergraduate online course in Digital strategic communication at the University of Copenhagen.
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