Dilemmaer i translation og transformation af erfaringsbaserede kollaborative læringsformer til digitale læringsplatforme





envisioning scenarios, AI, machine learning, learning design, ECL, Automated feedback, digital learning, ecotones, ecosystems


Experience-based collaborative learning (ECL) as expressed in problem-based learning, case-based learning and hacker pedagogy contributes to the development of competencies central to the advancement of practice and profession. In recent years, and especially during Covid19, a large part of teaching activities in higher and continuing education have been partly or completely converted to digital, hybrid or blended formats. However, there is a lack of knowledge about how these conversions have affected the predominantly experience-based and collaborative educational programs and what dilemmas may arise while attempting to translate and transform this type of learning to digital educational programs on learning platforms. The aim of this paper is therefore to investigate what characterizes ECL educational programs  and what dilemmas arise when they are converted to digital learning formats, based on experiences attained through the research and development project ‘Unified platform For Learning and Development’ (UnFoLD). Based on an analysis of the ecosystems of the project, three central dilemmas about designing learning processes, not only systems, envisioning as a method of understanding and working with the hierarchies of the system and automated qualitative feedback will be highlighted. Additionally, we propose a method of mitigating these dilemmas through envisioning and a focused design process.


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How to Cite

Gyldendahl Jensen, C., Dau, S., Riise Clausen, N., Ryberg, T., & Brogaard Bertel, L. . (2022). Dilemmaer i translation og transformation af erfaringsbaserede kollaborative læringsformer til digitale læringsplatforme . Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 15(25). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v15i25.128542