Virtuel vejledning under Corona-krisen


  • Anne Bang-Larsen Syddansk universitet
  • Ane Qvortrup Institut for Kulturvidenskaber, Syddansk Universitet



Vejledning, Online, Virtuelle formater, Corona, Gymnasium


The article presents findings from research on the online supervision of Danish upper secondary school students writing their major assignment. Focus is on the didactical use of online formats in supervision and the negotiation between the involved agents. The investigation is based on analysis of the content of the supervision, how the supervision was formed and what kind of function the students attached to the supervision. Theoretically, the article is based on a communicative approach to didactics, and methodologically on a mixed method design with quantitative survey data and qualitative data. At the center of the analysis, we put the narratives of the students, and their experiences of the supervision.

Based on the analysis we find that online supervision is practiced with the use of a variety of online formats, where different formats contribute with very different aspects to the students writing processes. The analysis stresses a discrepancy concerning the students’ conception of function attached to the use of different formats and practices of supervision. We conclude by addressing, that different conceptions of function are related to the lack of didactical knowledge of, how different online formats used in supervision contribute with very different aspects to the students writing processes.


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How to Cite

Bang-Larsen, A., & Qvortrup, A. (2021). Virtuel vejledning under Corona-krisen. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24).