Online Peer feedback

Anvendelsen af Peergrade i universitetsundervisningen


  • Karen Louise Møller, Specialkonsulent Centre for teaching Development and Digital Media. Aarhus University
  • Mette Løvschal, PhD, Lektor Archeology and Heritages Studies, Aarhus University



peer feedback


Peergrade is a digital tool that can be used to support peer feedback activities; This article describes the use of the tool in university teaching, more specifically in the subject Prehistoric Archeology II at Aarhus University. The activities were not compulsory, but the improved portfolio assignments were included in the students' individual exam portfolio, which was handed in prior to the oral examination in the subject. We describe the students experiences based on their responses to the questionnaire and participation in focus group interview. We describe recommendations for using peer feedback activity with Peergrade in university teaching.


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How to Cite

Møller, K. L., & Løvschal, M. (2020). Online Peer feedback: Anvendelsen af Peergrade i universitetsundervisningen. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 12(22).



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