Digitale spil i undervisningen

Overblik over et broget landkort


  • Thorkild Hanghøj



Research on the educational use of digital games has been going on for several decades and shows positive results in terms of increased motivation and learning outcomes. However, the challenges and possibilities of using games in education are often unclear. In this paper, I will briefly define games and summarise the research on games and learning. Next, I will provide an overview of Danish research on four different approaches to teaching with digital games: 1) the use of learning games, 2) the use of commercial games, 3) the use of game elements in non-game contexts (gamification), and 4) working with design of games. I will provide examples on Danish research, including articles from Læring Og Medier as well as from my own research. The aim of is to present an overview of the Danish research within the field, which can contribute to qualifying the selection and facilitation of games for educational purposes.


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How to Cite

Hanghøj, T. (2019). Digitale spil i undervisningen: Overblik over et broget landkort. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 12(21).