LOM#21 (English): Anniversary issue – 10 years of Learning and Media in Denmark


Editors: Mikkel Godsk, Christian Dalsgaard, Lillian Buus og Inger-Marie F. Christensen

The journal Learning and Media celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2018 and we take the opportunity to focus on selected themes in the field of technology and media in teaching and learning that have dominated the period and to contribute an updated state-of-the art. LOM (and before that UNEV) has, among other themes, brought into focus e-learning platforms, e-portfolios, feedback, learning design, robots, learning analytics, digital skills training, mobile learning, digital exams, virtual worlds, serious gaming, multimedia in teaching, research communication, policy, learning objects, continued professional education via e-learning, the organisation and management of e-learning and net-based language teaching and collaboration.

With this anniversary issue, LOM wishes to bring into focus eight selected key themes from the past 10 to 15 years. The anniversary issue will consist of authoritative articles by invited experts within each theme. This anniversary issue is also an open call to anybody who wishes to contribute to the themes listed below.

The themes selected for the anniversary issue are:

  • E-learning platforms
  • Social media
  • Video in teaching and learning
  • Open education and open resources (OER, MOOC, PLE)
  • The organisation and management of e-learning
  • Games and gamification
  • Learning design
  • Virtual worlds and VR/AR

The articles of the anniversary issue are to create an overview of key studies and investigations within the theme in a coherent presentation and take their point of departure in a small-scale literature review that also covers different approaches and concepts within the theme with a view to identifying and discussing key challenges and potentials.

Therefore, articles for the anniversary issue must, as a minimum, include:

  • A literature review that presents an overview of key publications within the theme
  • A historical outline of the theme (including references to previous LOM publications)
  • Definition(s) of the theme
  • A discussion of the role, justification and perspectives of the theme (e.g. examples and cases). Note that you are welcome to include your own, relevant cases in the discussion of the role of the theme.
Important dates:
  • Submission of abstracts (100 – 200 words) no later than 10 December 2018. Send abstracts to Inger-Marie F. Christensen (imc@sdu.dk). Abstracts must include a short description of the author’s expertise in the field and a list of the 2-5 publications that the author finds to be the most significant in the field, among these 1-2 LOM publications.
  • Notification of acceptance/rejection: 19 December 2018
  • Manuscript (or media product) to be submitted no later than 25 February 2019
  • Reviews will be sent to authors mid-April 2019
  • Final manuscripts due mid-May 2019
  • Publication of issue: June 2019

Please send abstracts to: Inger-Marie F. Christensen (imc@sdu.dk)