For authors

Welcome to is the Royal Danish Library’s portal for the publication of professional, scientific and cultural journals. Here you can find more than 180 journals and yearbooks in digital full text.

Some journals use for the whole editorial process from submission of a manuscript to publication of the finished article. Others use for publication alone, and instead receive manuscripts sent directly by e-mail to the editor (outside You will find information about this on each of the journals' own sites at

You can also find journals at, which are no longer publishing new issues, and therefore they will not receive manuscripts either.

Below you will find a guide on how to submit a manuscript for a journal at, if the journal uses for the whole editorial process.

You will also find a checklist to go through before you submit your manuscript.

Moreover, you should remember to always look through the specific journal's own author guidelines, which the editorial team prepare and make available on the journal's own site at

If the guide below is not adequate, we can recommend to take a look at The Public Knowledge Project's guide, combining text, screenshots and video.

Checklist for authors before submission

  • Always check the guidelines and writing instructions prepared by the journal, you wish to contribute to. Which file format, language, reference style, etc. do they accept?
  • Look at the journal's terms in regards of e.g copyright and licensing.
  • Avoid others getting credit for your work by mistake by associating an Open Research and Contributor ID (ORCID) to your work. Register for an ORCID.


Step-by-step guide to the submission process

A) Register with the journal

If you wish to submit a manuscript to a journal, you first need to register with that journal and then log in (if you have already registered with the journal, you can just log in). You can then follow this guide on how to register as an author. If you have already registered with another journal at, you should follow this guide to register with a new journal.

B) Submit you manuscript in five simple steps

Once you have logged in, and are on the website of the journal you wish to contribute to, you should click the button in the right side column "Make a submission", and then click "Make a new submission" on the new page. Here you also have the opportunity to see your active submissions, if you have any.

You will now be presented to Step 1 of a five-step-submission process, which lets you uploade and describe your submission.

Step 1

In step 1 you are asked to provide some preliminary information about your manuscript, as well as accept some terms for submission.

The information, you need to provide, varies among the individual journals, but they may include: The language of the manuscript, the journal section you wish to contribute to (articles, reviews, etc.), and which category the manuscript belongs to.

You may include a comment for the editor, and then you will have to read and accept the journal's copyright and privacy statements. Click "Save and continue".

Step 2

In step 2 you will uploade the file(s), containing your contribution. It is possible to upload several files at once. Next, you have to choose which type of content, the individual files contain (article text, dataset, etc.).

Step 3

In step 3 you have to fill out more information about your contribution, including title, subtitle (if any), and abstract. If the journal offers several languages on the website, you may have the option of adding the information in all available languages in separate text boxes.

You can also add other contributors. Choose "Add contributor", fill out their informations and click "Save". This person is now added to the list of contributors.

If the journal has chosen this, you may also be able to fill out categories and/or keywords. To register a keyword, just type in the word and hit 'Enter' after each keyword, which will then format the word as a keyword.

In the 'References' box, you have to write the references of the manuscript. Make sure to include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if the reference has one. On this page by Crossref you can type in a reference to see if it has a DOI.

Step 4

In step 4 you just need to confirm that you are satisfied with your submission by clicking "Finish submission". If necessary you can go back to the previous steps and correct any information.

Step 5

Your submission is now finished and the editorial team will be notified about your submission.

When the review is finished, you will receive an e-mail with the editor's decision.

C) Edit and follow the progress of your contribution through the editorial workflow

If you go to your personal profile and choose "Submissions" in the left side column, you will be able to see your submitted manuscript in the tab "My Queue".

If you click the submission, you can go to the tab "Publication" and browse your submitted information. Depending on the settings of the journal, you may have the option of changing the information (e.g title, correct spelling mistakes, update your abstract, add a contributor, etc.). If the "Save" button remains grey when you have changed something, the journal does not allow you to change the information yourself. You then have to contact the editor to get them to make the changes.

In the tab "Workflow" you can follow the editorial process of your manuscript and see which step in the process it is currently at (submission, review, copyediting, production). When the manuscript has finished review, you will get a notice here, telling you which changes (if any), you have to do to the manuscript. You can then upload a revised version of the manuscript under "Revision". The editor will then automatically be notified that you have uploaded a revised version of the manuscript.

You also have the option of communicating with the editor in the "Review Discussions".