Når det omsorgsfulde menneske spænder ben. Om paradokset i implementeringen af sund livsstil blandt udsatte borgere
sundhed, livsstil, udsatte borgere, kommune, velfærd, fysisk aktivtet,Resumé
Artiklen diskuterer spørgsmålet: Hvordan påvirker det sociale møde mellem kommunalt ansatte og borgere implementeringen af sundhed og fysisk aktivitet? Artiklen er baseret på et specialet: 'Det sympatiske paradoks i mødet mellem system og borger'.
When the meeting between the social worker and the socially exposed citizen frames the process of implementing physical activity, it becomes obvious how this meeting is affected by opposite attitudes towards the steering which influences the social meeting. The knowledge of health promotion among the social workers is taken for granted by the management. Therefore no education on this subject is provided for the employees. Consequently unevenness occurs in the role allocation between the social workers and the citizens despite an effort to meet the citizen at his level. This has an inhibiting effect on the implementation of physical activity. It is forgotten that not only is the self-steering of the citizens important, but also the self-steering of the social workers. In the process of implementation the employees have been neglected. This affects the process of change among the socially exposed citizens.
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