Visual Interactive Syntax Learning: A Case of Blended Learning


  • Jane Vinther Institut for Sprog og Kommunikation, Syddansk Universitet



The integration of the computer as a tool in language learning
at the tertiary level brings several opportunities for adapting
to individual student needs, but lack of appropriate material suited for the level of student proficiency in Scandinavia has meant that university teachers have found it difficult to blend
the traditional approach with computer tools. This article will present one programme (VISL) which has been developed with the purpose of supporting and enhancing traditional instruction. Visual Interactive Syntax Learning (VISL) is a programme which is basically a parser put to pedagogical use. The pedagogical purpose is to teach English syntax to university students at an advanced level. The programme allows the students to build sophisticated tree diagrams of English
sentences with provisions for both functions and forms (simple or complex, incl. subclauses). VISL was initiated as an attempt to facilitate the metalinguistic learning process. This
article will present VISL as a pedagogical tool and tries to argue the case for the benefits of blending traditional lecturing with modern technology while pointing out some of the issues involved.





Vinther, J. (2008). Visual Interactive Syntax Learning: A Case of Blended Learning. Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Tidsskrift, 3(6), 33–38.