Samarbejde i sig selv løser intet!


  • Lars Arndal
  • Britt Blaabjerg Hansen
  • Andy Højholdt



Unge, skoletilknytning, tværprofessionelt samarbejde


Artiklen belyser, hvordan elever med svag skoletilknytning oplever deres skoledeltagelse, og hvordan eleverne forstår de tiltag, der organiseres for at fremme deres skoledeltagelse. Artiklen viser, at de professionelles samarbejde ikke formår at skabe en ny professionel praksis til glæde for de unge. Imidlertid viser det sig, at selvom forskellige professionelle mødes omkring en gruppe af unges udfordringer, har de svært ved bruge deres professionelle forskellighed konstruktivt. Det vises endvidere, at indsatsen ofte gennemføres uden en reel inddragelse af de unge. Det betyder bl.a., at de unge udvikler en indifferent attitude til tiltagene.

The article describes how students with weak school affiliation experience their school life, and how they conceive the specially organized efforts made by the professionals to support their school participation. The article shows that teachers and other professionals in special functions not always can develop new practices from which the students can benefit. Yet, it also turns out that the professional groups face some difficulties in using their professional differences in a constructive way. Furthermore, it is shown how the specially organized efforts, of which the students are a part, often are carried through without involving the students themselves. This lead to the students distancing themselves to a certain extent of these efforts.




How to Cite

Arndal, L., Hansen, B. B., & Højholdt, A. (2017). Samarbejde i sig selv løser intet!. Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier, 13(25), 36–43.