Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro VIA University College, Aarhus C da-DK Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier 2446-0273 <p>Forfatterne bevarer deres ophavsret, men giver tidsskriftet ret til første publicering. Forfatterne kan frit uploade en version af&nbsp;den peer-reviewede artikel andetsteds (parallelpublicering; eller fx oversættelse til internationale tidsskrifter), men&nbsp;med angivelse af, at den har været offentliggjort i&nbsp;<em>TfP&nbsp;</em>først (jf. <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives-licens (cc-by-nd 4.0)</a><em>. </em></p> <p><em>Tidsskrift for Professionsstudier</em> findes både trykt og digitalt. Den trykte udgave har et oplag på 2200 eksemplarer. Den digitale udgave er open-access, hvor alle har mulighed for at læse, downloade, kopiere, distribuere, udskrive og linke til teksten (jf. <a href="http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org">BOAI-definitionen</a>). &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Hvilken rolle skal forskning og udvikling spille for professions­uddannelserne? https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144684 <p>When the Danish University Colleges in 2013 were awarded the so-called research obligation, they were given an apparently simple, but in practice very difficult task. The difficulty is particularly linked to the fact that the assignment contains both an educational and a practice-oriented purpose and that these purposes in certain respects stand in an opposite relationship to each other. In the article, this contradictory relationship is highlighted through the formulation of two stylized models, each representing their own understanding of the R&amp;D task. In the article's discussion, arguments for and against the two fundamentally different understandings of the task are pointed out. The final part of the article argues for the need for clear priorities and clarity around the implications of these. Obviously, it is not a question of choosing one or the other of these stylized models, but a matter of finding good ways of balancing the different considerations while also recognizing the trade-offs that any balance point will entail.</p> Kaare Aagaard Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 6 17 Vold som udtryksform i fagprofessionel praksis https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144685 <p>What happens in the encounter between system and client when social interaction is expressed as violence? While research has focused on citizen consequences of system power, regulatory challenges in the system's encounter with resourceful citizens and on professional consequences of stereotypical understandings of citizens, we know less about the extent, type and consequences of violence perpetrated against professionals. The article focuses on violence prevention within the welfare areas of employment, health and social security and is based on the results of a literature review (111 studies) of type II violence (citizen violence against professionals). The analyses present indicators, consequences and solutions to violence and show that violence can reduce the employee's judgment, job satisfaction and increase the risk of changing jobs. The professional may experience a general fear for their own safety and an increased risk of stress, including PTSD, just as the violence may have consequences for the employee's professional judgments. Judgment may in some cases be temporary and other times permanently threatened, typically in connection with persistent, increased aggression in the workplace. The article describes the identification of risks, consequences and prevention of violence and points to future questions in studies of violence in professional practice.</p> Marie Østergaard Møller Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 18 29 At blive rektor i gymnasiet https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144686 <p>To become the principal of a high school has traditionally been something highly honorable. An appointment filled with pride, significance, and, like so much else in high school, professionalism. Over the past 20 years, the high school sector has been subjected to a series of reforms that question this appointment process. Primus inter pares, the best among equals, is no longer an automatic principle. Therefore, this article poses the question: Through which mechanisms are principals chosen and choose themselves to become leaders, and what can these mechanisms reveal about the development and stability of high schools? The conclusion is that the traditional mechanism for becoming a principal, primus inter pares, is preserved while also undergoing change. The examined principals emphasize experience within the high school, and they have all been identified by another principal. However, it is no longer solely the narrow professional aspect that determines one's suitability to be primus inter pares. And increasingly, the best among equals is a woman.</p> Lars Frode Frederiksen Jakob Ditlev Bøje Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 30 41 Strukturelle forhold kan være med til at nuancere forståelsen af velfærdsprofessionelles problematikker https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144687 <p>In recent decades, late modernity has developed in the direction of ever greater inclusion of affective relationships. This has implications for the welfare professions’ working conditions and the content of the work. The article illustrates how theories about the development of the ‘society as a whole’ can qualify our understanding of some of the problems that currently characterize the welfare professions.</p> Peter Østergaard Andersen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 42 51 Dannelse – skitse til en rekonstrueret dannelsesfilosofi https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144688 <p>The concept of character formation (Danish: dannelse; German: Bildung) is contested. This paper firstly outlines (quite briefly) a theory of ’dannelse’, dannelse as humanity/being humane, by introducing the ideal of impartiality. This implies that the concept of ’dannelse’ is derived from the philosophy of culture/philosophical anthropology, and then moved into pedagogical philosophy, thereby shifting position from something to be achieved towards a guidance. Secondly, it will be presented why and how this is meaningful for pedagogic, education and teaching, including how it helps and guides teaching, understanding, choice, and defense of subject matters. This includes, thirdly, presenting in which way thinking along a notion of ’dannelse’ gives meaning to the concept of truth, and assists in handling the ideals of enlightenment (reason, freedom, and knowledge), without ignoring the complexity and darker sides of human being.</p> Johannes Adamsen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 52 63 Børns (mis)trivsel i og på tværs af dagtilbud, skole og hjem https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144690 <p>The well-being of children is an explicit goal for both professionals and politicians who seek to set the direction for a sound childhood. However, a major barrier to working with and collaborating on children's well-being is the ambiguity about how well-being appears and is understood in children's everyday lives and in the field of research. Based on an integrative literature review, this article uncovers the field of research on children's well-being in and across day care, school and home in a Scandinavian context. In our analyzes, we have identified 8 different ways of understanding well-being and present a synthesis, where we show the different contexts' primary understanding of and focus in the work with children's well-being. The purpose of the article is to contribute to an increased clarity about well-being as both a concept and a phenomenon. The hope is that the field of practice - based on research - can become clearer on how to understand and work with well-being for every child.</p> Anne Marie Villumsen Mette Molbæk Anette Boye Koch Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 64 77 Åndsvidenskabelig pædagogik https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144691 <p>The article presents some theoretical preconditions as well as basic structures relating to the so called ‘moral science pedagogy’ (MSP) (<em>geisteswissenschaftliche Pädagogik</em>). This is an often ill remembered chapter in the history of pedagogical theory. It originates from Germany during the decades around the middle of the 20<sup>th</sup> century. The ‘action-theoretical’ as well as hermeneutical preconditions of this pedagogical juncture are unpacked, with a focus on the inspiration from I. Kant and W. Dilthey. Through analysis of MSP-representatives Hermann Nohl (1879-1960) as well as Erich Weniger (1894-1961) it is argued that the theoretical developments undertaken here, can still today claim theoretical relevance as an historical background perspective underpinning the foundational discussions currently carried out in relation to clarification of the knowledge base of pedagogical professionals.</p> Frederik Pio Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 78 85 Bidrag til velfærdsracismens teoretiske konstruktion https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144692 <p>Denne artikel skærper indsigterne fra bogen <em>Racism in Danish Welfare Work with Refugees – Troubled by Difference, Docility and Dignity </em>(2022) ved at stille skarpt på bogens teoretiske bidrag med omdrejningspunkt i begrebet velfærdsracisme. Med udgangspunkt i korte beskrivelser af bogens teoretisk-analytiske tilgang, empiriske materiale og analytiske arbejde, udfolder artiklen, hvordan velfærdsracisme kan forstås som næret af en integrationistisk epistemologi i velfærdsarbejdet i form af de racialt kodede grundkategorier udvikling, menneske, samfund og professionalisme; som historisk rekursivitet i kraft af de moderne spøgelser forskel, føjelighed og værdighed, der til stadighed dukker op i velfærdsarbejdet med flygtninge; og som udtrykt i velfærdsarbejdets standardfortællinger om farveblindhed, potentialisering og medfølelse, som velfærdsarbejderne igennem deres arbejde kontinuerligt investerer i, hvorved sociale grænser for menneske og samfund patruljeres og den integrationistiske epistemologi institutionaliseres. På denne baggrund konkluderer vi, at velfærdsracismen forhindrer velfærdsarbejdets universelle realisering.</p> Marta Padovan-Özdemir Trine Øland Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 86 95 Hvad skal vi bruge videnskabsteori til? https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144998 <p>This article addresses the question of what role philosophy of science programs can and should play in professional education and for professions and practice development more generally. The article is based on a series of workshops with educators in philosophy of science from a broad range of programs at VIA University College. We argue that it requires a new understanding of philosophy of science if it is to be relevant to professions and practices. Traditionally, philosophy of science has either been understood as the question of what science is and should be, or it has been understood more narrowly as a collection of methodological doctrines. We propose understanding the philosophy of science as a curious and investigative type of questioning that concerns the professional and practical knowledge base, including research and science. The focal point of this questioning can be described as a shift in focus, a shift from focusing on a particular matter to focusing on how one thinks about the matter. We demonstrate how this shift of focus is more dynamic way to work with philosophy of science in a professional and practical context.</p> Niels Henrik Krause-Jensen Brian Benjamin Hansen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 96 107 Trivselsmålinger i folkeskolen https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/144999 <p>Since the school reform in 2014 all primary schools have been carrying out well-being-measurements. The article focuses on school leaders’ experiences with well-being measurements. Seven school leaders have been interviewed about their experiences. The theoretical assumptions are among other things evaluation theory. Readings and analyses of central literature about well-being in school and society are also used. The analyses points to a different practice in schools when it comes to the use of well-being measurements. At some schools they do have a symbolic and ritual function. At other schools they are used as a part of the schools social and pedagogical development. The introduction of well-being measurements can be interpreted as an attempt to take softer and more human related issues into considerations in the discussions of what schools and society we want. On the other hand, it can also be interpreted as an attempt to govern schools and institutions in new ways.</p> Finn Wiedemann Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 108 117 Sigmund Freud https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145067 Brian Benjamin Hansen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 118 123 Hannah Arendt: Menneskets vilkår https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145069 Anne Meulengracht Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 124 129 Rikke Lawsen og Henrik Stockfleth Olsen: Parat til ledelse https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145071 Lars Frode Frederiksen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 130 133 Alexander von Oettingen & Dorthe Boe Danbjørg (red.): Pissedårlig sygepleje https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145072 Vibeke Røn Noer Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 134 137 Anders Dræby: Visdommens rum https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145073 Johannes Adamsen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 138 141 H. Bundgaard & A.L. Dalsgård: Etnografisk tekst https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145074 Thomas Dam Anders Wind Hansen Jonas Rosenvinge Damsgaard Malene Tolbøll Andersen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 142 145 Helene Thise & Katja Vilien: Broen til fagsproget i ungdomsuddannelserne https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145075 Mikkel Stausbøll Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 146 149 Legende tværprofessionelle uddannelser https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145076 Kim Holflod Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 150 153 Karrierelæring, vejledning og profession https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145077 Bo Klindt Poulsen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 154 157 Struggling with eating when receiving high-emetogenic chemotherapy https://tidsskrift.dk/tipro/article/view/145079 Marie Ernst Christensen Copyright (c) 2024 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 19 37 158 160