En bergsoniansk pædagogik?
Henri Bergson, René Thom, Vaner, Viden og ikke-viden, Lagdeling af kundskaber, Nytte, Uforudsigelighed, Sprog & matematik, Forførelse, Grundlæggende aporierResumé
Taking as a point of departure three basic assumptions in Henri Bergson – (A) that consciousness forms part of a pragmatic and of a refl exive circuit; (B) that the formation of bodily habits and of contents of consciousness has an irreducible morphogenetical duration; (C) that a basic asymmetry subsists between the given and the non-given, between knowledge and non-knowledge – some consequences of this asymmetry are sketched out: (1) that learning is rythmical, (2) that knowledge (savoir) and ability (pouvoir/savoir-faire) are stratified, (3) that the creative process is of central pedagogical importance, (4) that ideas of utility are unable to providea motivation for learning. The difference between linguistic and mathematical understanding is then outlined. From the irreducible morphogenetical duration, the maxims ‘as early and as much as possible’ are deduced,
as well as the notion that curricula cannot aim entirely at applicability. Finally a notion of pedagogical seduction is presented, as well as a “founding aporia” (René Thom) for pedagogy: between problematization and automatization, seduction and interest, knowledge and ability.
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