Qualitative Studies


Call for Papers: Reaching out - participatory and engaged research for change



To propose an article to this special issue of Qualitative Studies, please provide an abstract (max 500 words) to Britta@ikl.aau.dk no later than 1. august 2024.


Important dates:

1st august 2024: Abstracts submitted (500 words)

1st September 2024: Contributors invited to write a full paper

15th January 2025: Manuscripts submitted and subjected to peer review (5000-7000 words)

March 2025: Contributors receive peer reviews

1st July 2025: Deadline for submission of revised manuscripts

August 2025: second review/minor revision

1st November 2025: Deadline for finalized manuscripts

1st December 2025: Special issue published



Submissions must be sent to Britta Møller, Britta@ikl.aau.dk. Final papers submitted for peer-review should be 5000-7000 worlds (excluding a 150-word structured abstract, 4-6 keywords and reference list) and formatted according to APA7. All submissions should be in Word format, formatted with a standard margin, 12-point font and double spacing. All figures, models and tables should be embedded into the text. All full papers are subjected to double-blind review prior to publication. Qualitative Studies does not charge a publication fee. We accept papers in English or Scandinavian languages. 

Read more about Call for Papers: Reaching out - participatory and engaged research for change

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 3 (2024): Educational Leadership in Higher Education

This special issue of Qualitative Studies aims to explore educational leadership in higher education. Our focus is on middle leaders without formal managerial power. They may be labelled as study leaders, educational leaders, course coordinators, or programme leaders. A common characteristic of these middle leaders is that they are both teachers and researchers and additionally are formally appointed to take special organisational responsibility for coordinating and developing education/teaching.

Over the last two decades, educational leadership has become a common answer to quality demands in higher education (e.g. Stensaker, Elken, & Maassen, 2019, p. 91), where leadership is understood as having an impact on the quality of student learning (e.g. Cardno, 2014, p. 352) and where educational leadership is needed to support educational development in local collegial contexts (e.g. Mårtensson & Roxå, 2016, p. 248). In research, educational leadership is a broad and messy concept. For example, the concept can be associated with hierarchical structures through distributed leadership based on the promise that management can delegate some of their decision-making power to special responsible employees (e.g. Kjeldsen, Quick, Jønsson, & Andersen, 2020, p. 54). It can also be related to middle leaders both with and without formal managerial power in the same study (e.g. Bryman, 2007; Grunefeld et al., 2017) if these different leaders have to do with influencing the goal-directed behaviour of others (Bryman, 2007, pp. 694-695). Both examples are regardless of the fact that middle leaders without formal power have different possibilities than those with formal power for influencing the behaviour of others within the authority and power structures of higher education institutions.

Published: 2024-09-20
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Qualitative Studies (QS) aims to be a central forum for discussions of qualitative research in social sciences in general. QS is an open access journal that employs a blinded peer-review process. We are interested in papers that discuss qualitative methods, their promises, problems, and philosophies, as well as papers that apply such methods in concrete qualitative studies. We are in particularly looking for papers that critically expand the borders of qualitative research by experimenting with literary, aesthetic, narrative and other creative genres in the communication of research. We also welcome theoretical and philosophical discussions of qualitative inquiry. The journal is affiliated with Aalborg University, Denmark.

QS is a biannual themebased journal. There is thus a call for papers twice annually in March and in September. It is therefore not open to contributions that do not relate to the current theme. However, we are open to theme-proposals and guest editors.

Qualitative Studies is BFI-registered and DOAJ licensed. 
ISSN: 1903-7031