Educational Leadership in Higher Education



Author Biographies

Sanna Lassen, Aarhus University, Centre for Educational Development (CED)

Sanna Lassen is a postdoc at the Centre for Educational Development at Aarhus University. The ongoing research focuses on educational leadership in higher education, specifically emphasising leaders outside the managerial line. This research also involves applying research findings to leadership courses to equip leaders with the necessary skills to encourage collegial collaborations based on data-informed insights.

Berit Lassesen, Aarhus University, Centre for Educational Development (CED)

Berit Lassesen is an associate professor at the Centre for Educational Development at Aarhus University. Her research primarily focuses on student learning, including approaches to learning, self-regulation of learning, and academic self-efficacy beliefs. Additionally, she engages in systematic work on quality development, including teaching evaluation in higher education.


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How to Cite

Lassen, S., & Lassesen, B. (2024). Educational Leadership in Higher Education. Qualitative Studies, 9(3), 1–7.