Qualitative Studies https://tidsskrift.dk/qual <p>QS is an interdisciplinary journal that focusses on qualitative methods and their application within the humanities and social sciences. We welcome experimental and unorthodox manuscripts pertaining to the thematic calls. </p> Aalborg Universitet en-US Qualitative Studies 1903-7031 <p><span style="color: black;">Copyright belongs to the author and&nbsp;</span><span style="color: black;"><em>Qualitative Studies</em></span></p> Psychology of Change https://tidsskrift.dk/qual/article/view/145036 <p><strong>T</strong>his interview is a slightly modified transcript from the second Psyche Talk, hosted at the Department of Communication and Psychology at Aalborg University, February 15, 2024. Psyche Talks are hosted as biannual events, where prominent psychological researchers are invited to discuss fundamental questions about the nature and subject matter of psychology through an interview-based format. The focus of this interview is on how people make sense of change on the personal, social and environmental level and the role of symbolic resources in making meaning of and transitioning through rupturing changes. In this interview, Professor of Sociocultural Psychology, Tania Zittoun, is interviewed by Associate Professor of Sociocultural Psychology, Sarah Awad.</p> Sarah Awad Tania Zittoun Copyright (c) 2024 2024-04-26 2024-04-26 9 2 1 35 10.7146/qs.v9i2.145036