Using Solicited Audio Diaries to Capture the HE Educational Leader's Ad-Hoc Tasks




Qualitative Methodology, Audio Diary, Ad-hoc tasks, Educational Leader, Higher Education


This article explores the qualitative method of audio diaries and assesses their effectiveness in capturing ad-hoc tasks in Higher Education (HE), drawing on a single-case study. There is a shortage of studies linking audio diaries to ad-hoc tasks within the research field. This article contributes new methodological insights by exploring and expanding on previous uses of audio diaries. The focus is on the ad-hoc tasks performed by educational leaders outside the managerial line. This role is often overlooked, as it does not fit within traditional management structures or ordinary collegiality. To highlight the uniqueness of the organisational role, it becomes essential to understand its function, which essentially involves ad-hoc tasks. Methodologically, it is challenging to capture ad-hoc tasks. Participants can have difficulties remembering the momentary work in a later interview, and the researcher cannot be present and observe every moment. In conclusion, exploring the audio diary shows that the method can effectively capture the ad-hoc tasks of educational leaders and, from a single case, provide in-depth information on the educational leader's navigation between professionalism and collegiality. However, it is essential for future research to provide clarity on definitions and instructions.

Author Biography

Sanna Lassen, Aarhus University, Centre for Educational Development (CED)

Sanna Lassen is a postdoc at the Centre for Educational Development at Aarhus University. Sanna is the principal investigator of the ongoing EDULEAD research project focusing on educational leadership in higher education, specifically emphasising leaders outside the managerial line. The research also involves applying research findings to leadership courses to equip leaders with the necessary skills to encourage collegial collaborations based on data-informed insights. Sanna is theoretically inspired by systems theory, taking an organisational approach when exploring the leadership field.


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How to Cite

Lassen, S. (2024). Using Solicited Audio Diaries to Capture the HE Educational Leader’s Ad-Hoc Tasks. Qualitative Studies, 9(3), 71–95.