For evigt forbundet

De almenpsykologiske potentialer i Kohuts selvpsykologi


  • Preben Bertelsen



Self psychology is occupied with the psychodynamics which come into existence with self reflection - that is the intentions which come into existence with introspection. Thus, self psychology has a conception of psychodynamics which differ from
that of psychoanalysis. It is a notion which is much doser to the phenomenologicalexistential thoughts about psychodynamics. In this paper we shall have a doser look on how we can develop a general psychological model of intentional introspection (the self) on the grounds of the self psychology by Kohut - and thus a model of one of the central organisational principles of the being human.
In the first part of the paper I will try to show the basic phenomena which the concept of the self identifies - phenomena and conceptions which have special relevance for the contribution of Kohuts self psychology to general psychology. In the
second part I will go through Kohuts vision of a self psychology and in the third part I will have a closer look at what may be of general psychological substance in Kohuts thinking about self psychology. Of special interest is the distinction between I) a
self psychology based on intentionality (and self organisation) as the core psychodynamic force and 2) psychoanalysis which is based on the opinion that the core psychodynamic forces are biological functions (and not intentions). I will finish
the paper with some additional perspectives on self psychology conceming the basic general psychological conceptions of self, of life project, and of activity.




How to Cite

Bertelsen, P. (2023). For evigt forbundet: De almenpsykologiske potentialer i Kohuts selvpsykologi. Psyke & Logos, 15(2).


