Personrettet og genstandsrettet virksomhed
In activity theory the conceptual framework is developed using a binary and hierarchical approach in the reconstruction of the culture-historical evolution and by focusing on the development of tools as the very origin of human species. One of the results is subordination of person related activity (as a non-specific human configuration) below object related activity. The specific character and importance of person related activity for the human species is thereby concealed. It is suggested that the hierarchical approach should be avoided. Three kinds of activities should be conceptualized non-hierarchically: 1. the object related activity, 2.
the person related activity and 3. the activity related to social structures. Analytically it would be possible to regard the activity types as independent aspects with specific characters; but emphasis is put on the faet that neither of the activity types can be understood as universal in the human and social context. They are equally important and integrated aspects of human activity, whose mutual relative manifestations would be subject to contextual variations.
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