Getting together to forget, to re-member

Mappings of care and maintenance within the independent field of dance and choreography through the participatory activities of Danish Dance Stories


  • Carolina Bäckman
  • Andrea Deres



This article aims to unfold and contextualise a (felt) collective amnesia haunting the independent dance scene in a Danish context. By identifying potential reliefs for this condition, the authors delve into the participatory activities of the artistic initiative Danish Dance Stories, exploring and mapping out potentialities of gathering in practices of re-membering a (plural, embodied) history of dance. Taking on a wider perspective, they emphasise the need for an institutional, long-term responsibility of historicising-maintenance.


Carolina Bäckman


Andrea Deres


are dancers/facilitators/choreographers, both with an MFA in Dance and Participation from the Danish National School of Performing Arts. They have a long history of working together, this time as representatives of Danish Dance Stories (DD). The article is written in dialogue with dancer/choreographers Nanna Stigsdatter and Stine Frandsen (co-initiators of DD).


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Danske dansehistorier





Bäckman, C., & Deres, A. (2024). Getting together to forget, to re-member: Mappings of care and maintenance within the independent field of dance and choreography through the participatory activities of Danish Dance Stories . Peripeti, 21(39), 186–209.